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Our customers are our best source of information for ways to make Hyperproof even better. To make communication and collaboration easier, Hyperproof developed an Ideas portal for our community that supports continuous feedback, tracks it, and makes it visible to other Hyperproof users. 

The Ideas portal provides a platform where your voice can be heard. You can request new features, comment on and discuss ideas with other users, share work processes, add to other users’ ideas, and vote for your favorites.  By participating in the Ideas portal you can influence the future of Hyperproof

Using the Ideas portal you can:

  • Check for similar ideas

  • Create a new idea

  • Add a comment to an idea

  • Add or remove a vote for an idea

  • Subscribe to an idea and receive notifications about it

  • Earn community reputation points

Ideas, whether big or small, are all valuable. To make sure your idea is considered, it is important to provide us with as much information as possible. When you create an idea, you need to include information similar to the following:

  • Title - Provide a short phrase that explains the main focus of your idea.

  • Category - Select one or more Hyperproof categories such as Tasks, Controls, or Labels. Categories are used for filtering and grouping similar ideas.

  • Description - Provide a detailed description of the problem you are facing and what you want to accomplish. Here is a template that might be helpful:

    As a/an (administrator, compliance manager, user) when (X problem) arises, I want to fulfill (X goal) so that I can achieve (X outcome).

    Next, describe the improvement you feel would best help you achieve the result you need. Include the feature name, the location in Hyperproof, and the changes you need. Screenshots or diagrams are always helpful. Describe your work process and how this change will help you. Giving us details on the context speeds up the review process.

Sample ideas

Idea 1

Title - Differentiate between a single instance of a task and a task created from a repeating task template.

Category - Tasks

Description - Under Work items > Tasks, when viewing a task or a list of tasks, there is no way to know if a task was created manually or based on a repeating task template.

As an administrator, I need to know which tasks were created by my colleagues and which tasks were created automatically by a repeating task. In some cases, I need to adjust the schedule of the repeating task or eliminate it, but I can't easily find the source of the task.

Idea 2

Title - Include error messages in the Activity feed

Category - Other

Description - As an administrator, I need to be able to review error messages that have occurred in the past 60 days so I can show them to my IT department for assistance or provide them to the Hyperproof support team. Sometimes an error message is generated and I don’t have time to read it or I need to refer to it later. If the error messages were in the Activity feed or if log files were available through the user interface, I could go back and access them later.

Valuable time is lost trying to locate the error message in log files or reproduce the error.