Idea statuses
When you submit an Idea to the Hyperproof Ideas portal, the idea immediately has a status of Submitted. A product manager will review the idea and move it through the process of determining whether or not it can be done. The idea status will keep you, the submitter, aware of where your idea is in the process.
Customer votes influence the prioritization of ideas so upvote ideas that you would like to see. Comment on ideas to give us more information on your use case.
Idea statuses include:
Submitted - The idea has been submitted for consideration.
Under review - A product manager is reviewing this idea. If you are the idea submitter or you voted for this idea, product management may contact you for additional information or clarification about your use case.
Will not do - Product management has determined that this idea does not fit with current product plans and it will not be done.
Backlog - Product management has reviewed the idea and agreed that it is something we would like to do. When an idea has a status of Backlog, there is no timeline for it. Product management will update the idea with a status of Planned once there is a timeline and the details have been collected.
Planned - This idea is included in our planning and we have a timeline for it that we can articulate.
Delivered - This idea is now in the product. If you have further enhancements to this feature, please create another idea or upvote an existing idea.
If you submit an idea for a feature that already exists, a product manager will add a comment to your idea indicating how you can access the feature and will mark the status as Delivered.