Setting up an access review
Roles and permissions
The following roles can access and update the Setup tab for an access review:
Administrators with manager permissions for the access review
Compliance managers with manager permissions for the access review
Users with manager permissions for the access review
To set up an access review in Hyperproof you need a company directory and user access lists for the applications that need a review. To enter the information in your access review you can configure a supported Hypersync or a CSV file to import data. If you are importing from a CSV file, you may be able to create the file by exporting data for the people in your company from a directory service, such as Active Directory, or a Human Resources system, such as WorkDay. You may also be able to export user lists in CSV format for the applications that need review.
Human Resources systems and identity providers can be added as both a directory and an application in the setup for an access review. When added as a directory, you import a list of people in the organization and their identifying information, such as email, name, job/department, manager, start date, and employment status. When added as an application, you import a list of the user accounts that can log into the application and their permissions.
When you have created the directory and application entries, use CSV files or Hypersyncs to import the directory and user access lists into Hyperproof on the Setup tab. These imports are the source for the lists of users to review. Information from the directory and the user access lists is combined to provide reviewers with additional details such as the user's title, department, and role.

For additional instructions see the following:
Understanding the access review Setup tab
The access review Setup tab provides options for configuring employee directories and user access lists by application to review.

To access the Setup tab:
From the left menu select, Access reviews.
Select the access review you are updating.
Select the Setup tab.
Setup tab fields
Field | Definition |
Directory | Lists one or more employee directories. |
(# directories) | Indicates the number of directories added to the directory list. |
Name | User-specified name for the directory. Each directory contains a list of employees, contractors, interns, or others who may work for your company. Click a directory name to open the Details and Employees tabs and view the contents of the employee list. |
Description | User-specified description for the directory. |
Source | Indicates the source of the data for the directory. Sources include:
# of people | Number of employee records contained in the directory. |
Updated on | Date the directory was created or refreshed. |
Applications to review | Lists one or more application user lists. |
(# applications) | Indicates the number of application user lists added to the applications list. |
Name | User-specified name of the application to review. Each application contains a list of users. Click the application name to open the Details and Records tabs and view the contents of the application user list. |
Description | User-specified description of the application to review. |
Source | Indicates the source of the data for the application user list. Sources include:
# of records | Number of user access records contained in the application. |
Updated on | Date the application user list was created or refreshed. |
Reviewer | The default reviewer configured when the application user list was created or modified. Reviewers can be modified for individual users in the application user list. See Bulk editing reviewers and sysadmins for an application user list. |
Sysadmin | The default sysadmin configured when the application user list was created or modified. The sysadmin can be modified for individual users in the application user list. See Bulk editing reviewers and sysadmins for an application user list. |