Card view and grid view
When viewing controls, use the card view and grid view icons to toggle between two layouts.

Card view provides a kanban-style display of your controls, with each control represented by a single card that includes the name and/or description of the control, the number of requirements it’s linked to, and the control owner’s photo or initials. Card view is helpful for quickly grouping controls by owner or domain.
Grid view provides a more traditional tabular view of your controls, with each row in the table representing a single control. Grid view is also where you’ll perform bulk changes, such as adding a user as an owner for several controls.
Grid columns can be resized and reordered. To shrink or expand a column's width, click and drag it, letting go of the mouse button once you’ve reached the desired width.
Grid resizing and reordering works on all grids found in Hyperproof.