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Using direct managers as reviewers for user access

Some companies have managers review account access for their direct reports during an access review. Direct managers often can make better-informed decisions about whether or not their direct reports need access to a particular application or if that access should be changed.

When you configure an application user list to be reviewed you can select Assign to direct manager as an option. If you select Assign to direct manager, Hyperproof checks each user's email address on the application user list and uses it to look up the users' direct manager in the directory configured for the access review. That manager is assigned as the reviewer.

Consider the following when assigning direct managers as reviewers:

  • Direct managers can be assigned as reviewers either when the application's user list is added to the access review or from the Details tab for the application user list.

  • Direct managers and their email addresses must exist in the directory before you begin assigning them as reviewers. If the manager names or email addresses are missing, direct managers are not assigned as reviewers. Instead, the default sysadmin is assigned. See Viewing a directory for information on viewing your directory after import to verify that managers' names and email addresses were imported.

  • If a user doesn't have a manager assigned in the directory or no directory is configured, then the default sysadmin is assigned as the reviewer.

  • If a user's email address doesn't match any email address in the directory, then the default sysadmin is assigned as the reviewer.

  • If you manually modify a reviewer for an application user and later select Assign to direct manager for the application user list, the reviewer for the user that was manually updated isn't changed.

  • If the direct manager assigned to review a user is not a Hyperproof user, the direct manager is added as a Contact. When the review is launched, those Contacts are sent invitations to Hyperproof as limited access users. The direct manager must accept the invitation and log in to Hyperproof to review application user records.

  • Reimporting a directory doesn't change reviewer assignments. For example, if you added or corrected manager information and reimported the directory, those updated managers don't become reviewers on application user lists.

    To update user application lists with new manager information, first update and reimport the directory. Then, reimport the application user list records. This process deletes the user records and creates new ones. Reviewers are assigned based on the settings on the Details tab for the application user list. The access review must be in the In Setup status to reimport user records. See Refreshing a directory and Refreshing an application user list.

  • Deleting a directory doesn't change Direct manager reviewer assignments unless you refresh the application user lists.