Bulk editing proof privacy
Roles and Permissions
The following roles can make proof private or unlock private proof:
Administrators can add themselves to proof and modify proof visibility
Compliance managers with manager permissions
Users with manager permissions
Using the bulk edit options on the Proof page you can change the privacy settings on multiple pieces of proof. When proof is set to private, only users who are direct members of the proof can view that proof. For more information, see Private proof.
You must have manager permissons for a piece of proof to change its privacy settings. If you select multiple pieces of proof and attempt to change visibility, a warning displays indicating the number of pieces of proof that won't be updated because you don't have the correct permissions. The remaining proof is updated.

To change proof privacy settings:
From the left menu, select Proof.
Select the checkboxes next to the pieces of proof you want to modify.
Click the Private link.
The Change visibility window displays.
To make the selected proof visible, select Use default, inherited access.
Hyperproof warns you that all members of objects linked to the selected proof will be given inherited access to the proof as contributors.
To make the selected proof private, select Make private.
Hyperproof informs you of the number pieces of proof that won't be updated, the number of users who will lose access to the selected proof and reminds you that only users who are direct members of the proof can see it.
Click Confirm to update the selected proof.