Bulk refreshing directories using a Hypersync
Roles and permissions
The following roles can update the directory of company employees for an access review:
Administrators with manager permissions for the access review
Compliance managers with manager permissions for the access review
Users with manager permissions for the access review
Using the bulk options on the Setup window you can bulk refresh multiple directories for an access review. You should only modify your employee lists when the access review status is In setup. Keep in mind that this process deletes the existing employee information, and then adds the new employee information. For more status information see, Setting access review status.
If you created your directories by importing CSV files, you can't bulk update them. Only directories configured with a Hypersync can be bulk refreshed.
If you have configured one or more application user lists to assign direct managers as reviewers, updating the direct managers by refreshing the directory doesn't modify previously assigned reviewers. See Using direct managers as reviewers for user access for more information.
To bulk refresh multiple directories:
From the left menu, select Access reviews.
Select the access review you are setting up.
Select the Setup tab.
Under Directory, use the checkboxes to select the directories you want to refresh.
Click the Sync now link.
The Confirmation window displays and warns you that the contents of the selected directories will be deleted and replaced with new data.
Click Confirm.
The Sync now link changes to Syncing.