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Audit to continuous ComOps conclusion

The advantages of practicing continuous ComOps versus a traditional approach—e.g. rushing to check controls, collect evidence, and fix controls right before an audit—are three-fold:

  • By reviewing things and making improvements on a cadence, you effectively minimize the chances of experiencing security and compliance lapses and of leaving risks unaddressed.


    It's a fact—unaddressed risks cost organizations.

    When risks are left unadressed, organizations must vie to fix the aftermath as quickly as possible. This, of course, means additional (and often exorbitant) expenses and resources are needed to rectify the situation. In certain unfortunate instances, just one unaddressed risk can completely incapacitate an organization.

    The continuous ComOps methodology greatly reduces your chances of facing a significant organizational breach because you've been monitoring your controls all along—not just worrying about them when it's time for your yearly audit.

  • When your team can easily collect evidence on an ongoing basis, no one needs to scramble or go into fire drill mode right before an audit. This helps to lower stress levels.

  • When the team keeps track of all of their work in Hyperproof, it becomes easy to prove to customers, auditors, and regulators that your organization has been operating in a secure and compliant way all along. When your organization is good at proving your compliance posture, you win and retain more business.

In closing, continuous ComOps provides a way for organizations to manage risks in a more disciplined, proactive, professional manner and efficiently prove to their customers that they can keep sensitive customer data safe.

Additional resource

Check out this free workshop led by Hyperproof's Field CISO, Kayne McGladrey, CISSP. Learn about the risks around regulatory compliance, why companies need security compliance, and the difference between security and compliance. Learn about how all these items can create organizational tension during annual performance reviews, and why it’s important to understand how to reduce compliance friction and increase efficiency.