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Notifications overview

Notification preferences can be customized on a user-by-user basis.

By default, Hyperproof notifies users via email at any time:

  • They are ‘@mentioned’ in the Activity Feed

  • They have a work item assigned to them

  • There is a status update for an item or object they are a member of


Assigning a Hyperproof object or task to yourself doesn't send a notification to you.


Hyperproof sends past-due notifications to the creator of the object and the assignee every 7 days starting on the due date.


Users can also choose to receive notifications via Slack or Microsoft Teams if your organization uses either of those platforms.

Bulk editing notifications

If you bulk edit a group of controls, for example, users who are managers or contributors on the control will only be notified once.

For example, if an administrator bulk edits 10 controls, the manager of those 10 controls only receives one email and/or one Slack/Microsoft Teams notification (depending on their notification preferences) stating that 10 of their controls have been updated.

Freshness expiration notifications

Each member of the control or label that is set to expire receives an email notification alerting them of the upcoming expiration date.

Deactivated users

Hyperproof does not send notifications to deactivated users.