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Archiving and unarchiving a label

Roles and permissions

The following roles can archive and/or unarchive a label:

  • Administrators

  • Compliance managers with manager permissions on the label

  • Users with manager permissions on the label

As your program grows and evolves, you may find that some labels are no longer needed. As with programs and controls, archiving labels removes them from view, but doesn’t completely remove them from Hyperproof. This is helpful should you need to access an archived label in the future.

Archiving a label

  1. From the left menu, select Labels.

  2. Select the label you want to archive.

  3. Select the ... (More options) tab, and then click Archive label.

  4. Click Archive.

    Hyperproof notifies you of any controls linked to the label. If there are linked controls, Hyperproof will unlink them.

Unarchiving a label

An archived label can be viewed and/or unarchived at any time. The archived label overview works the same as the active label overview. You can select and view all components of the archived label including tasks and proof. Controls remain unlinked.

  1. From the left menu, select Labels.

  2. Click the down arrow next to Labels, and then click Archived.

  3. Select the label you want to unarchive.

  4. Click Unarchive.

    The label is restored.