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Syncing data from multiple Google Cloud Platform projects


Hyperproof connects to many third-party systems that frequently change, including the system interface. Contact your System Administrator or the third-party provider for assistance meeting the requirements to integrate with Hyperproof and collect the proof you need.

The Google Cloud Platform Hypersync can be used to collect data from a single project or all projects within an organization or resource folder.

The process of syncing data from multiple projects is fairly similar to the process for syncing data from a single project. The main difference is that there are additional permissions needed to find other resource types for which to collect data. Setting up your this way allows you to select an organization or folder in the resource hierarchy to sync data from all projects that are immediate descendants of that resource.

Creating a Hyperproof service account

Generating JSON credentials

Creating an IAM role for the service account

Adding the role to the service account

Turning on APIs