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Managing Hypersync connection health

Roles and permissions

The following roles can manage connection health:

  • Administrators

  • Compliance managers with manager permissions for the connection.

  • Users with manager permissions for the connection.

Managing Hypersync connection health can be done via Settings > Connected accounts.

Each app’s connection health is determined by the results of its own daily “heartbeat” API call. If the heartbeat API call fails, the connection to the app is broken; therefore, any integration using that connection is also broken.

If an app’s connection is broken, a Connection failure label appears in the Status column next to the app name in the connections list.

Hypersyncs can fail for multiple reasons, such as the connection failing, the Hypersync being configured incorrectly, or the third-party app returning an error.

If one or more Hypersyncs have failed, the total displays in the Instance health column next to the red plug icon.

Opening the Connected accounts window

  1. From the left menu, select Settings.

  2. Select Connected accounts.

  3. Select a Hypersync app to view more information about its connection.

Fixing an unhealthy connection

  1. Select the app.

    The Connection window displays with a warning message about the connection failure.

  2. Click the ... menu next to the connection and choose one of the following:

    • Update Credentials - Reauthenticate by entering your credentials in the popup window. You may be asked for additional information such as domain, API Key, etc.

    • Recheck the Connection - Review the error message in the grid. Work with your IT department to address the issue in the app itself, and then click Check now to verify that the connection is healthy.

Fixing an unhealthy Hypersync

A connection can be healthy, while a Hypersync that uses the connection is unhealthy. For example, a Hypersync might have been set up to collect repository members from the “Project Alpha” repository. The Hypersync breaks if the “Project Alpha” repository no longer exists or the user no longer has access to the repository.

Hypersync errors can be fixed as follows:

  1. From the Connected accounts list, select the app with failed Hypersyncs.

    The Connection window displays a list of Hypersyncs.

  2. Locate the failed Hypersync and hover over the message in the Error message column to view more information about the error. Work with your IT department to determine if any changes need to be made to the third-party application or the Hypersync configuration.

  3. Click the ... menu and select Settings.

  4. Update the Hypersync’s settings, and then click Save.




App name and account

Displays the name of the third-party app and the account name used for the selected connection.


Displays an icon for each user who is a member of the connection. Click the plus icon to add more users.

My connection

Displays the user name of the user who configured the connection. Click the drop-down arrow to display additional connection information:

  • Connected on - The last date that the connection was used to collect proof.

  • Last healthy - The last time the API "heartbeat" call was successful.

  • Last checked - The last time the API "heartbeat" call was issued.

  • Connected/Connection failure - Indicates the current status of the connection to the third-party app.

  • ... More menu - Click the drop-down menu for the following options:

    • Make me owner—

      • Displays only if you are an administrator and not the current owner of the connection.

      • Triggers a request to update the connection credentials.

      • Once the credentials are updated, the new user name displays indicating who the new owner is.

      • Associated Hypersyncs continue to use the connection.

    • Update credentials—Update connection credentials.

    • Check now—Check connection health.

    • Disconnect—Removes the connection.


      If you select Disconnect, your connection configuration is lost. To reconnect, you must create a new Hypersync and configure the connection again.

      If more than one Hypersync used the connection, you can use the Change connection option on the existing Hypersyncs and change to the new connection you just created.

      See Disconnecting a connection.

Hypersyncs (..)

Displays the total number of Hypersyncs in the list and the number of successful and failed Hypersyncs.

Hypersync name

Displays the name of the Hypersync. Names are generated by Hyperproof but can be overridden during the configuration process.


Indicates whether the Hypersync has succeeded or failed the last time it attempted to collect proof

Error message

Displays any error messages generated when the failed Hypersync ran. Hover over the error message to display the entire message.

Last checked

Date that the Hypersync last ran.


View - Click the View link to go to the control or label where the Hypersync is configured. If you are not a member of the control or label, Hyperproof displays the list of controls or labels.

... More menu

Displays a drop-down menu with the following options:

  • Change connection - Configure a new connection for the selected Hypersync.

  • Sync now - Runs the Hypersync now.

  • Delete Hypersync - Deletes the selected Hypersync.

  • Settings - Change the configuration for the selected Hypersync.