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Managing proof

There are two ways you can collect evidence (called proof in Hyperproof):

  • Manually, where you import proof and link it to a particular object, such as a control.

  • Automatically, where Hyperproof does the work for you.

Proof can be linked to objects like controls, labels, and tasks, or you can import proof at the organizational level to use later on.

If you store proof in an external cloud-based service such as Google Drive or Dropbox, and want Hyperproof to upload a new version of your proof each time the source file is updated, it’s recommended to use the LiveSync feature. If you store your proof in an external service app and want Hyperproof to upload a new version OR upload a new file each time the source file is updated, it’s recommended to use the Hypersync feature.


The Hyperproof PDF generator doesn't support non-Latin characters. Proof data containing non-Latin characters converted to PDF format when uploaded to Hyperproof will have blank spaces in place of those characters. For example, the Hyperproof PDF generator is used when you upload proof using a Hypersync or submit a questionnaire.


For more information, see the Collecting proof video at the bottom of the page.

Who can see proof?

Every piece of proof contains an editable facepile that allows you to add users to proof, view direct and inherited members, and view user roles.

Users with direct access have been explicitly added to the proof. These users do not need to have access to the root object or module, such as a control, to interact with the proof they’ve been added to.

Users with inherited access are connected to the proof by a root object or module, such as a risk. These users are not required to interact with the proof, but can if they need to. What they can do in terms of permissions is determined by their assigned role (manager or contributor). Click the link next to an inherited member’s email address to view the root object or module.

When proof is made private, only users with direct access who have been added to the proof can open and preview the proof. Users who are members of objects linked to private proof can't open or preview the proof, but can see the proof name with a lock icon on proof lists. See Private proof.

For more information on access types, refer to Inherited access versus direct access.

Collecting proof

Watch this short video for information on managing proof.