Snyk proof types and permissions
Hyperproof supports collecting proof from Snyk.
Hyperproof connects to many third-party systems that frequently change, including the system interface. Contact your System Administrator or the third-party provider for assistance meeting the requirements to integrate with Hyperproof and collect the proof you need.
Some Snyk proof types are only available in the US region. See the list of proof types for specific region information.
When you create a Hypersync between Hyperproof and Snyk, you can automatically collect the following proof types:
Issue Summary by Project (requires a group ID, an organization, and a project)— Available only in the US region.
List of Issues by Org (requires a group ID and an organization)—Available in all regions.
List of Issues by Project (requires a group ID, an organization, and a project)—Available only in the US region.
List of Users by Org (requires a group ID and an organization)—Available in all regions.
To connect to Snyk and collect proof your Snyk configuration must meet the following requirements.
Create a service account API Key with the following permissions:
Group level permissions
View issues
View organizations
View reports
Organization level permissions
View environments
View ignores
View organization
View organization reports
View project
View project history
View scans
View users
Create a service account in Snyk for users who need access to the Snyk Hypersync.
Service accounts can be created by navigating to your organization in Snyk. Choose one of the following permission types: organization collaborator
or organization administrator
(note that organization administrator
provides users with more privileges). Refer to the official Snyk documentation for more information.
When creating the service account, you can only view the API Token once. Be sure to copy it because is needed for authenticating to Hyperproof.
Additional tips
A service account must be created within a group or within an organization that is in a group (and groups can contain organizations)
Service accounts can't be created in an organization that isn't in a group.
If you can't see the Snyk Service Account menu, you may not have groups defined.
If you can't see custom roles, you may not have any defined.
If users do not want to use a service account, they can create an API token for their individual user under Account Settings > General > API Token.
Additional documentation
You only need to connect Hyperproof to the app once, and then you can create as many Hypersyncs as you need. Additionally, you can create multiple Hypersyncs for a single control or label.