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Reusing existing controls

Hyperproof’s import feature is great for quickly adding new controls to your program, but it also works well for creating common controls—i.e., controls that link to multiple requirements across multiple programs.

Example scenario

Your organization has an established ISO 27001 program and is in the process of adding a SOC 2 program. To reduce duplicate work, you want to reuse some of the existing ISO 27001 controls for your SOC 2 program.

If you have a large number of controls you want to reuse, it’s faster and easier to use Hyperproof’s import feature rather than adding controls manually, one at a time. You can keep the same import file format, but in addition to any new controls you import, include references to any controls that already exist in your Hyperproof organization.

Things to keep in mind

  • You can mix and match new and existing controls in the same import file.

  • For each row that references an existing control, make sure that the control ID field contains the Hyperproof ID for that control. If the Hyperproof import finds an existing control with a matching ID, it will link it to the requirement(s) specified in the Maps to requirement field and discard the rest of the fields in the row.

Below is an example where the first three rows contain new controls, and the remaining two rows reference existing Hyperproof controls:
