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Bulk editing scope assignment controls

Roles and permissions

The following roles can bulk edit scope assignment controls:

  • Administrators

  • Compliance managers who are managers on the main control

  • Compliance managers who are managers on the scope assignment control

  • Users who are managers on the main control

  • Users who are managers on the scope assignment control

Multiple scope assignment controls can be edited at once using Hyperproof’s bulk edit feature.

As with regular controls, you can view, edit, filter, and group and sort scope assignment controls from your organization's Controls main list.

Expanding scope assignment controls

Follow the steps below to view scope assignment controls in the Controls main list.

  1. From the left menu, select Controls.

  2. Select the Expand scopes checkbox.

    Scope assignment controls are now visible and no longer consolidated within the main control. To consolidate the controls, clear the Expand scopes checkbox.

Bulk editing scope assignment controls

  1. From the left menu, select Controls.

  2. Select the Expand scopes checkbox.

  3. Click the Grid view icon.

  4. Select the checkboxes next to the scope assignment controls you want to edit. To select all controls, select the All checkbox in the upper-left corner of the grid.

  5. Do any or all of the following:

    1. Click Export to export the controls to either a CSV or XLSX.

    2. Click Owner to change the owner.

    3. Click Members to add or remove a member or change their permissions.

    4. Click Implementation to change the implementation status.

    5. Click the ... (More options) icon, and then click Automation to change the automation status.

Assigning scopes to multiple controls at once

Follow the steps below to assign a scope or scopes to multiple controls in bulk.


Assigning scopes to multiple controls only works when scopes are not expanded in grid view.

  1. From the left menu, select Controls.

  2. Click the Grid view icon.

  3. Select the checkboxes next to the controls for which you want to assign scopes.

  4. Click Edit scopes.

    The Edit scope assignments window opens.

  5. Select the checkboxes next to the scopes you want to assign to the selected control or controls.

    • A square in the checkbox indicates that some of the selected controls already have that particular scope assigned.

    • Clearing a checkbox next to a scope removes the scope from all selected controls.

    • Clearing and then selecting a checkbox assigns that scope to all selected controls.

    • If a checkbox is left as is, no changes are made to scopes assigned to the selected controls.

  6. Click Save.

    The selected controls are updated.