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Adding a policy version

Roles and permissions

The following roles can add versions to a policy:

  • Administrators with manager or contributor permissions for the policy

  • Compliance managers with manager or contributor permissions for the policy

  • Users with manager permissions for the policy

A policy version contains the following:

  • A version of a policy document

  • Current stage of the version. Stages include Draft, Approval, Effective, and Retired.

  • Dates that the version was created, reviewed, approved, and retired, if applicable

  • Proof providing evidence that the document has been approved or attesting to employee acceptance

If you have policies that are already approved and are in effect at your company, you can start by adding those policy versions directly into Hyperproof without going through the Draft and Approval stages.

See Adding policies to add an empty policy.

For flexibility, you can add versions from multiple locations in a policy. Some links are visible only when the policy version is in a specific stage.

  • Details tab

    • Effective - Add effective policy - Displays when there is no effective version.

    • Draft - + New version - Displays when there is no version in the Draft or Approval stage.

    • Retired - + Add retired - Always available to add retired versions of the policy for historical reference in Hyperproof.

      See Adding a retired policy version.

  • Versions tab

    • Version - Add first version - Displays when the policy has just been created and doesn't contain any versions.

    • +Add version button - Displays after the first policy version has been added.

When you add a policy version you can opt to add the policy document or add an empty version and upload the policy document later.

To add a policy version:

  1. From the left menu, select Policies.

  2. Select the policy where you want to add a version of your policy document.

    The Details tab displays.

  3. Select the Versions tab.

  4. Click +Add version.

    The Add policy version window displays.

  5. To add a new version for review / approval, select the Draft tab and enter a Version ID:


    The Draft option displays only when no policy versions are in the Draft or Approval stage.

    • Version ID - This field is required and must be unique within the selected policy. A version ID might be a version number or a year, such as Ver-1 or 2025, with a maximum field length of 12 characters.

  6. To add an existing effective / approved policy, select the Effective tab and complete the following fields:


    If you have a policy version in the Draft or Approval stage, the Draft and Effective tabs don't display, and you can only add or replace the effective policy version.

    • Version ID - This field is required and must be unique within the selected policy. A version ID might be a version number or a year, such as Ver-1 or 2025. Version IDs can be a maximum of 12 characters.

    • Effective - Date the policy version became effective.

    • Approved - Date the policy version was approved.

    • Next version - Date that a new version should be in place.

    • Next review - Date that the next review cycle should start.

    • Published URL - URL where employees can view the policy.

  7. Click Create.

    The Add Policy Version window displays.

  8. To add an empty policy version, click Done. You can add a policy document at any time. See Adding a policy document.

  9. To add a policy document to the version you just created, click +Add policy document.

  10. Select the policy file from one of the following:


    Only the Cloud Storage option supports LiveSync to automatically update a file in Hyperproof when changes are made to the source file. All other options require that you manually update the file when changes are made to the source file.

    • My Computer - To select a file on your computer, click My Computer and browse for the file you need.

    • Paste an image - Select this option to use a screenshot as your policy file. Take a screenshot (Cmd-Shift-5 on Mac, Shift-S on Windows), copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it in Hyperproof. Chrome users may need to allow this functionality. If prompted by the browser, refresh the page after clicking Allow.

    • Paste a link - Select this option to use a website URL as your policy file. Only the Name, Link, and Description are displayed in the document viewer. No other data is stored in Hyperproof. Anyone attempting to view this file must click the link to open it.

    • Cloud storage integration - To use a file stored in an integration, such as Google Drive, select the integration’s icon from the Add integration section in the bottom-left corner. Optionally, turn on LiveSync to automatically sync changes on the cloud file to Hyperproof.

  11. Click Add proof.

    The document file name displays in the Add Policy Version window.

  12. Click Done.