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Adding an external auditor to Hyperproof

The external auditor role allows easy collaboration between the external auditor and the compliance manager. When an external auditor is invited to an organization, they can only access the audit that they’ve been specifically added to. Furthermore, the external auditor has limited permissions which prevent them from accessing information unrelated to the audit.

Before you can collaborate with an external auditor, you must add them to your organization, and then to the audit. Once they’ve been added to the audit, you need to change their permissions via the audit facepile.

To add an external auditor:

  1. From the left menu, select Audits.

  2. Select your audit.

  3. Click the + icon in the upper-right facepile.


    The Add a new member window opens.

  4. From the Name drop-down menu, click Can't find them? Add them to Hyperproof.

    The New user or contact window opens.

  5. Enter the auditor's email address and name.

  6. Select the Invite to join the organization radio button.

  7. From the Role drop-down menu, select External auditor.

  8. Click OK.

    The auditor will receive an email invitation to join the organization.