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Collecting proof with tasks

Tasks can be created for many objects in Hyperproof to remind users to complete specific work assignments. When tied to controls, labels, or audit requests, tasks can be used to ask the assignee to collect proof or evidence by a specific due date. When the assignee uploads the proof to the task, the proof is automatically added to the associated control, label, or request.

Using tasks you can assign work to Hyperproof users or people outside Hyperproof. Task assignees who are not Hyperproof users are added to the system as Contacts. Those users receive an email requesting information. They can upload the requested proof by clicking a link in the email and following the on-screen instructions without ever having to log into Hyperproof.

To use tasks:

  1. Add contacts as needed. See Working with contacts, Adding a contact to Hyperproof, and Adding a contact to an object or module.

  2. Create tasks on controls, controls, or audit requests to collect proof. See Work items: Tasks and Creating a task.