Control health
Control health is turned on when program health is turned on or when the control is linked to a risk. To turn on program health, see Turning on program health.
By default, Hyperproof calculates control health based on the health rules configured in Settings > Health. Control health rules include the following:
If testing is ineffective then health is Critical.
If implementation is unknown, not started, or in progress then health is Critical.
If testing is not tested or in progress then health is At risk.
If freshness is unknown or expired then health is At risk.
If count of proof is equal to 0 then health is At risk.
If count of past due issues is greater than 0 then health is At risk.
Otherwise health is Healthy.

For more information, see the Control health video at the bottom of the page.
Hyperproof has the following control health statuses:
Control health with scope assignments
Hyperproof calculates the health of controls with scopes based on the health rules configured in Settings > Health. Control with scope assignments health rules include the following:
If count of scope assignments where health is critical is greater than 0 then health is Critical.
If count of scope assignments where health is at risk is greater than 0 then health is At risk.
Otherwise health is Healthy.

Example scenario
Three scopes are linked to a control in your program: Subsidiary, Region, and Software. For that control to be considered healthy, all three must be healthy. That means that each scope must prove that testing is effective, implementation is completed, the control is fresh, and at least one piece of proof is attached.
Control health
Watch this short video to learn more about control health.