Policy approvals
The approval process is an integral part of the policy management life cycle. When a Draft policy document is complete, the policy owner or manager moves that version of the document to the Approval stage to have it go through an approval process. Changing the policy version stage starts the request for Approval process where you assign one or more approvers, create approval tasks, and set a due date for those tasks.
The approval process for a policy is as follows:
The owner or manager of the policy changes the stage of a policy document from Draft to Approval.
Hyperproof launches a Request for approval that is configured by the owner or manager with the list of approvers and the due date. See Configuring a policy approval.
Hyperproof creates a parent approval record linked to separate approval tasks for each approver. You can access all approvals for a policy from the Approvals tab.
Hyperproof sends a notification to each approver containing a link to their approval task and the due date. Approvers must be logged in to Hyperproof to access their approval tasks. See Policy notifications.
The ID of the parent approval task displays on the Versions tab for the policy. That ID is a link to the parent approval task on the Approvals tab in Work Items.
Approvers log in to Hyperproof and can access their approval tasks either by clicking the link in the notification or by navigating to Work Items > Approvals. Approval tasks provide access to the policy document that requires approval. See Approving or requesting a change to a policy.
Approvers approve or request a change to the policy document and can add comments pertinent to their approval or change request. See Approving or requesting a change to a policy.
Hyperproof sends a notification to the policy owner for each approval or change request. See Policy notifications.
If the version of the policy document has a change request, the owner or manager of the policy changes the stage of the policy version back to Draft and addresses the issues that caused the document to require changes.
When all issues have been addressed, the owner or manager of the policy changes the stage of the policy document to Approval, and the process begins again.
When all approvers have approved the policy version, it is marked Approved on the Edit details and Versions tabs. Hyperproof generates proof of the approvals and automatically attaches it to the affected version.