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Adding an access review

Roles and permissions

The following roles can add an access review:

  • Administrators

  • Compliance managers

Hyperproof access reviews allow you to track and manage user access to applications and sensitive information at your company. See Access review workflow for an overview of the access review process.

When you create an access review, you can designate who the primary contact is or you can allow it to default to you as the person creating the access review . The primary contact is the person who should be contacted for questions or issues related to the access review. The primary contact is not granted any special permissions, except that they cannot be removed from the access review.


To add a new access review:

  1. From the left menu select, Access reviews.

  2. On the Access reviews page, click the + New button.

    The New access review window displays.

  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for this access review.

  4. In the Description field, enter a description for this access review. This field is optional.

  5. In the Primary contact field, select a user in your organization to own this access review. This field is optional and defaults to the user creating the access review.


    The user who creates the access review and the Primary contact could be different users in your organization. Both are added to the access review as managers.

  6. Click the Create button.

    Hyperproof creates the access review and displays its dashboard.