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Archiving and unarchiving an access review

Roles and permissions

The following roles can archive and unarchive an access review:

  • Administrators with manager permissions for the access review

  • Compliance managers with manager permissions for the access review

  • Users with manager permissions for the access review

Over time as you do more access reviews, there may be some that you no longer need. You can archive access reviews to hide them from view, but not delete them. If you need to view an archived access review later, you can always unarchive it.

Archiving an access review

  1. From the left menu select, Access reviews.

  2. Select the access review you want to archive.

  3. Select the ...(More options) tab and click Archive access review.

    A confirmation window displays.

  4. Click Confirm.

    A banner displays indicating that the access review has been archived.

Unarchiving an access review

  1. From the left menu select, Access reviews.

  2. Click the drop-down menu next to Access reviews in the title bar.

  3. Click Archived.

    A card for each archived access review displays.

  4. Select the access review you want to unarchive.

  5. In the banner, click the Unarchive button.

    The access review is unarchived and displays on the main access review page.