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Control maintenance - Implementation

Combined with testing, freshness, proof, and past due issues, implementation is another factor Hyperproof uses to determine a control's overall health. A successfully implemented control helps protect your organization from threats like data breaches and bad actors.

Hyperproof recognizes the following implementation statuses:

  • Unknown - The implementation status is unknown.

  • Not started (default) - The implementation process has not yet started.

  • In progress - The control is actively being implemented.

  • Completed - The control has been successfully implemented.

To change the implementation status:

  1. Navigate to the control.

  2. From the Details tab, locate the control status panel.

  3. Hover over the current implementation status, and then click the Edit icon.

  4. Select a new status.


    The overall health of the control may change depending on the selected status. An implementation status of 'unknown', 'not started', or 'in progress' causes the overall health status to default to 'critical', even if the control is fresh, has passed testing, and has linked proof.

    If you need to change the status on multiple controls, you can bulk edit those controls.

Control implementation varies by organization. Many organizations implement preventative controls that aid in halting harmful events and loss of assets. Other control types that organizations may implement include:

  • Deterrent (used to hinder employees from performing certain actions)

  • Technical (think password requirements and multi-factor authentication)

  • Operational (any type of day-to-day operating procedures)

  • Detective (used to identify errors that have already occurred)

Each control type plays its own role in protecting the organization from vulnerabilities.