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Using gating questions

A gating question (sometimes referred to as a conditional question) can be used to determine the next question or questions in a questionnaire. In Hyperproof, gating questions can be used with single-select and single-select with explanation question types.

For example, you might ask the question, “Do you have a company handbook?” If your goal is to find out more information about the handbook, you can set the question as a gating question. That way, if the recipient answers 'Yes', they’ll be directed to a follow-up question about the handbook. If they answer 'No', they'll see a different question.

If a question is not shown to a user, the points from that question are not included in the total possible score. For example, let's assume a questionnaire has two questions—one non-gating question (question 1) and one gating question (question 2). If a respondent answers question 1 and is not prompted to answer question 2 (the gating question), the points from question 2 are not included in the total possible questionnaire score.


A gating question must have follow-up questions; it cannot be the last question in a questionnaire.