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Invalid user permissions and Hypersyncs

When a user is deactivated or removed from a control or label, Hypersyncs configured by that user can't update proof. Review the information below for suggested solutions to these issues.

Deactivated users

If you have deactivated a user who configured a Hypersync, you can reactivate the user to get the Hypersync working again.

  1. Reactivate the user under Settings -> People.

  2. Ask the user to accept the invitation.

  3. Manually synchronize the Hypersync. See Synchronizing a Hypersync manually.

  4. Verify that the sync is working and that updated proof is returned.

If you can't reactivate the user who configured a Hypersync, you can reassign their work to another user. The Hypersync continues to work until the credentials used to connect to the third-party app are no longer valid. See Deactivated users and Hypersyncs.

If you can't reactivate a user who configured a Hypersync and the credentials used to configure the Hypersync are no longer valid, you must delete the Hypersync and create a new one. It is recommended that you use a service account instead of a personal account when connecting to a third-party product. See Pausing or deleting a Hypersync.

Users removed from a control or a piece of proof

If you have removed a user from a control, label, or piece of proof, and that user configured the Hypersync that retrieves the proof, the Hypersync fails. You can restore the user's membership on the control, label, or piece of proof to get the Hypersync working again.

  1. Add the user to the control, label, or proof. See Adding users to objects, features, and modules.

  2. Manually synchronize the Hypersync. See Synchronizing a Hypersync manually.

  3. Verify that the sync is working and that updated proof is returned.

If you can't restore the user's membership on the control, label, or piece of proof, you must delete the Hypersync and create a new one. It is recommended that you use a service account instead of a personal account when connecting to a third-party product. See Pausing or deleting a Hypersync.