Linking and unlinking controls for an access review
Roles and permissions
The following roles can add controls to an access review:
Administrators with manager permissions for the access review
Compliance managers with manager permissions for the access review
Users with manager permissions for the access review
You can link and unlink controls from an access review at any time. Typically, you link controls when the access review is in Setup. When the access review is complete, you can generate proof and attach it to any controls linked to the access review.
To link controls to an access review:
From the left menu, select Access reviews.
Select the access review where you want to add controls.
Select the Details tab.
Under Linked controls, click + Control .
The Link Objects window opens.
Use the Search field to narrow the list of controls.
Choose the objects to link by selecting one or more checkboxes.
Click the Link button to link the selected objects to the access review.
To unlink controls:
From the left menu, select Access reviews.
Select the access review where you want to unlink controls.
Select the Details tab.
Under Linked controls, hover over the control you want to unlink and click the unlink icon.