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Work items: Tasks

Tasks allow users to ask other members of their organization for proof, or to remind themselves of something they need to get done. Proof is at the core of what a task is—users are always able to quickly and easily provide proof on a task.

Tasks can be linked to most Hyperproof objects. When you link a task to an object, you’re collecting proof for that object. Any user who has been added to the relevant object can create a task.

Tasks created on objects have a clear destination for the proof, meaning that when the task is closed, the proof attached to it shows up in the proof section of the originating object. For example, if a user is assigned a task that is linked to a label, the proof they provide via that task is automatically stored in that label. The proof is also added to the main list of proof, accessible from the Proof tab in the left menu.

More information on tasks can be found in the Work items section.