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Linking request proof to controls or labels

Roles and permissions

The following roles can link back proof:

  • Administrators

  • Compliance managers with manager permissions for the audit

  • Users with manager permissions for the audit

To link request proof back to a control or label, the Hyperproof user performing the action must be a member of the linked control or label. If they aren’t a member, those controls and/or labels are skipped over in the link-back process.

  1. From the left menu, select Audits.

  2. Select your audit.

  3. Select the Requests tab.

  4. Select the checkbox or checkboxes next to the proof you want to link back.

  5. Click Link back proof.


    The Link back proof window opens.

  6. Select the Controls checkbox to link the proof to the control, the Labels checkbox to link the proof to the label, or both if you want to link the proof back to both the control and label.

  7. Click Review.

    The Review and confirm window opens.


    This action can’t be easily undone! If you change your mind, the proof needs to be manually removed from the linked controls and/or labels.

  8. Click Confirm.