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Requests as work items

To ensure consistency and alignment with other work items (tasks, repeating tasks, evaluations, and issues), there are some changes to the fields on requests as follows.


As with issues and evaluations, ID is now an auto-generated field that’s unique within an organization. The pattern for the IDs is R-N, where N is a sequential number.

All existing requests (active and archived) in an organization will get a unique ID starting with the oldest request as R-1.

Why the change? Per user feedback, requests will eventually be able to show up in more than one audit. To make this possible, requests require unique IDs that can be referenced from each audit.

ID renamed to Reference

To support the new auto generated ID field, the existing ID field was renamed to Reference, preserving existing values.

Like before, Reference allows customers to capture audit references provided by an auditor.


A request on a SOC2 audit might have a reference of CC1.1, which references what requirement the request is made against.

Description renamed to Summary, Notes to Description

To present all work items in a unified listing, this update renames some fields to create a common set of fields across work item types. The Description field is renamed to Summary, and Notes is renamed to Description. This aligns with how most users have been using these fields.