Editing policy details
Roles and permissions
The following roles can edit policy details:
Administrators with manager or contributor permissions for the policy.
Compliance managers with manager or contributor permissions for the policy.
Users with manager or contributor permissions for the policy.
Use the policy Details tab to view and update properties for a policy. Click on a field to modify its contents. Some fields only display during a specific stage in the policy life-cycle. Certain fields, such as ID, can't be modified. Hover over the field you want to modify and click the pencil icon.
The fields you can edit vary depending on your role and the permissions you have been assigned.
Section/Field | Description |
Facepile | Users who are members of the policy. |
Tasks | Opens the Tasks panel where you can view existing tasks or add new tasks for the selected policy. See Creating a task. |
Activity Feed | Opens the Activity Feed for the selected policy. See Communicating via the Activity Feed. |
Policy | |
ID | System generated ID for the policy. This field can't be edited. |
Policy name | User-specified name for the policy. The name must be unique. A policy record in Hyperproof represents the entire policy life cycle. |
Description | User-specified description of the policy. This field is optional. |
Owner | This person owns the policy and is designated by the key icon in the facepile. By default, this is the user who created the policy. Click in the Owner field to select a new owner for this policy. See Changing a policy owner. |
Effective | |
Add effective policy | Click this link to add an existing approved policy document to the policy. This field only displays when there is no effective policy document or version associated with the policy. |
Version ID | User-specified ID of the version of the policy that is currently effective. The effective policy is the approved policy, which is used until the next version is created, reviewed, and approved. This field can't be edited. |
Effective | Date that this version of the policy became effective. This field can't be edited. |
Next version | Date when this version of the policy should be reviewed. The date field is highlighted in red if the review is past due. |
Approved | Date when this version of the policy was approved. |
Approvers | Users who approved this version of the policy. This field can't be edited. |
Published URL | This is the URL where company employees can read the effective version of the policy without logging in to Hyperproof. Click in the Published URL field to add or edit a URL. |
Operating | |
Controls | Number of controls linked to the policy. Click the number for a list of controls. Select a control from the list to open it. To add or remove controls, go to the Controls tab for the policy. |
Issues | Number of issues linked to the policy. Click the number for a list of issues. Select an issue from the list to open it. To add issues, go to the Issues tab for the policy. |
Create / Review | |
+ New version | Add a new version to the policy to begin the review and approval process. This field only displays when no version is in the Draft or Approval stage. See Adding a policy version and Managing policy life cycle. |
Next review | View, add, or edit the date for the next policy version review. This field only displays when the most recent version is the effective version and no version is in the Draft or Approval stage. |
Version ID | User-specified ID of the policy version. Policies can have an unlimited number of versions but can have only one effective version and one version that is going through the review process. All other versions must be retired. This field can't be edited. |
Stage | Indicates the current stage of the version in the policy life-cycle. See Managing policy life cycle. Stages include:
Approvals due | This field displays when the next version of the policy document is in the Approval stage and indicates when the approvers should complete the approval process. |
Approvers | This field displays when the next version of the policy document is in the Approval stage and lists the users assigned to approve the document. |
Approval ID | This field displays when the next version of the policy document is in the Approval stage. This is the system-generated ID for the approval associated with the version currently under review. The approval ID represents the collection of approval tasks where each approval task is assigned to a separate reviewer. |
Approval state | This field displays when a version of the policy document is in the Approval stage and indicates the status of the parent approval task. Statuses include:
% complete | This field displays when this version of the policy document is in the Approval stage. The percentage of approvals completed for this version of the document. |
Retired | |
+ Add retired | If you are building policy history for an existing policy , use this option to add older retired versions to the policy. See Adding a retired policy version. |
Version ID | ID for a retired policy version. Retired versions can be accessed from the policy Versions tab by selecting the correct version ID from the Version drop-down. |
Effective | Date that this version was made the effective version of the policy. |
Retired | Date that this policy version was retired. The effective version is automatically retired when a different version's stage is set to Effective. |
Owner | The person who created the policy version is the Owner. |